Loren Lahav
Kick Fear to the Curb and Start Kicking Ass in Life - Loren Lahav | STAY TRUE CEO

Kick Fear to the Curb and Start Kicking Ass in Life

It’s time to be fearless.

In 2017, we saw many strong women come forward with stories that they had been holding onto for years, stories that they had previously been too afraid to tell.

And for each woman who said #MeToo, a hundred others were encouraged to come forward to tell their own stories.

I felt empowered by those women, maybe you did too. And it gave me the courage to kick my own fear to the curb and try new things in my personal life and my business.

I had been feeling for a while that I wanted to change things up. But I was scared.

I had built a comfortable life for myself, and it would have been easy to keep heading down that path, saying “yes” to the same opportunities year after year.

But I had that nagging feeling that I wasn’t being true to myself. That’s right, my intuition showed up and wouldn’t back down. I knew it was time to let go.

I started saying “no” to the projects that I no longer felt compelled to do. It was hard, as it meant turning away people that I admired and loved working with.

But when I did start to say “no,” something amazing happened. All of these new opportunities opened up right in front of me. I had shoved my fear aside, and I was being rewarded with exciting new adventures.

And that wasn’t all. The more I embraced my new path, the more I found myself doing so many things that I had wanted to do for a long time, but put off. I brought back the Lobella events. I went to New York to see my son. I spent more time with my daughter. I became more receptive to being coached, and as a result, saw my life from a fresh perspective.

When I finally stopped holding onto what was familiar and started trying new things, I started enjoying my life a lot more.

There is a season for everything. As Jim Rohn says, there’s a sowing season and a reaping season. For a while, I had been reaping what I sowed, and it was great. But then it came time to plant some new seeds in a new garden, so I could reach a new level of fulfillment and happiness.

So what season are you in? Is it time for you to start planting some new seeds?

Here’s some questions to ask yourself:

What am I holding onto that is no longer serving me? What if I let it go?

What is something that I’ve been talking about doing for months (or years), but still haven’t acted on? Do I want to still be talking about it in another year?

When was the last time I did something scary—but it was totally worth it? If I did it once, why can’t I do it again?

Start with small steps. You don’t need to change your whole life overnight. Simply try saying “no” to things that don’t feel right and start saying “yes” to things that excite you.

The best things in life come when you get out there, stop playing small and start taking a few risks.

Do you agree?

What was a time you stepped out of your comfort zone and it changed your life for the better?

How have you kicked fear to the curb in your life?

What small steps will you take this week to shake things up? Let me know in the comments! 🙂

And remember to #StayTRUE!

— Loren Lahav