Loren Lahav
Take Time for a Special Moment - Loren Lahav | STAY TRUE CEO

Take Time for a Special Moment

This week our focus is on Taking Time for a Special Moment. In Scott Shaw’s pocket book, Zen O’Clock…time to be, he aptly writes:

Where you are right now is where you are.

You may have a million developed desires to be in other places, doing other things, but you are not there.  You are here.

Experience this moment to its fullest.


So, my question to you is: Are you taking time for the precious moments in your life?  Once-in- a- lifetime moments that you can never recapture?  And when you take the time, are you totally present and experiencing the moment to its fullest?  Here’s a test…when you are driving to a destination, do you remember the miracles of nature along the way?  Or did you become conscious only upon arrival because your mind was focusing the entire drive on issues that are currently affecting your life?  When you are at an event with loved ones, do you remember moments of conversation, or were you too stressed about financial or work issues to enjoy what was taking place around you?


When pondering Special Moments, there are three aspects to consider:

  • Scheduling time to create the magical experiences.
  • Being totally present when the magic is taking place around you.
  • Recognizing the impromptu or unplanned moments that become memories of a lifetime and embracing them with appreciation for how precious they are.


And remember, it only takes a moment to make a moment.

What if you were committed to creating moments every single day of your life?

What would your life be like?


So, take out your journal or sketch pad and capture the following.  We recommend you create columns for each of the categories:

  • Create a title at the top such as: (Your Name)’s Special Momentsand write the date underneath the title. Feel free to get creative with artistic flair or images that depict the joy and happiness that comes from your list of Special Moments.
  • What are some activities or events that you’ve said you’ll do one day, but they just haven’t taken place yet? Write them down in one column to the left.  Make this your Bucket List.
  • Then make another column, and next to each item on your list, write down the logistics e.g., who would be there with you? One or two simple action items that will move you toward making that moment happen.
  • In another column, indicate when you will make the time to make it real.
  • Then, in the fourth column, write down how you will feel after having experienced that Special Moment.


If there is space left at the bottom of the page (if not, start a new page), jot down some ways that you will be totally present and embrace the magic that will be taking place as these moments take place.  Envision the event taking place and how you would feel, act, react while you are there.


Then be sure to capture the memories after they take place either in your journal, or on your sketch pad next to the corresponding Bucket Listentry that you previously made.  Or if it was impromptu, be sure to capture it as well.   Include all the details, your emotions, how the people with you reacted, attach photos…all the things that will anchor in the experience and serve as a reminder to Take Time for a Special Moment.


~xoxo Loren


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