Loren Lahav


To be a person you are NOT is to waste the person you are… STAY TRUE.

Hi, I’m Loren. My friends call me Lo.

After being in the personal development world for 32 years, I have seen A LOT! And guess what? Even with all the skill I have learned over the past 32 years, I have still had my own set of challenges: relationship challenges, career challenges, financial challenges, emotional challenges and hormone challenges. What has gotten me through it all, is integrating some very foundational rituals that have made me the woman I am today — the woman I have always wanted to be, who does not compare herself to anyone else except my best me.

My mission is to teach you how you, too, can have the most Badass and Beautiful life in all areas of your life. I do believe YOU can have it all!

Welcome to my home. Take at look around all the nourishment here for you.

- Loren Lahav


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