Blessing Backpacks

Have you read your I AM card for today?  If you haven’t already, these daily inspirational reminders of your greatness will not only fuel your vision, they will also help feed those in need.  Proceeds from the sales of these cards went to Blessing Backpacks.  This special program took place this year in over 70 cities, feeding 5,300 souls across the United States and Canada.

Refugee for Women

There are organizations that truly care about the safety and wellbeing of women across the United States.  Refuge for Women is a national faith-based organization providing a residential healing and recovery program for survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation to receive safe housing, counseling, life and work skills development.  Human Trafficking is a dark industry that abuses and exploits women of all ages.  When a woman is rescued for a trafficker, she is left with many years of past trauma and oftentimes, substance abuse issues.

There are organizations that truly care about the safety and wellbeing of women across the United States.  Refuge for Women is a national faith-based organization providing a residential healing and recovery program for survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation to receive safe housing, counseling, life and work skills development.  Human Trafficking is a dark industry that abuses and exploits women of all ages.  When a woman is rescued for a trafficker, she is left with many years of past trauma and oftentimes, substance abuse issues.

The compassionate staff is trained to help residents reclaim their identities and reach their goal of overcoming addictions, heal from trauma and develop life skills leading to healthy, balanced living and financial independence.  When they leave the program, they have a vision for the future of a life marked with dignity and hope.

Through our contribution efforts, we are working towards sponsoring a room at one of their centers to start.  With growing resources, we hope to sponsor even more to help provide a bright and compelling future for the women who receive the love and support at Refuge for Women.

St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital

Most everyone has heard of these famous treatment centers.  Did you know that its mission is to advance cures and means of prevention for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment?  And this research is shared with the world, with its global efforts.  Simply put, their objective is Finding cures.  Saving children.  And families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food – because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.

For the past 24 years, we have donated all profits from The Greatest Love – Being an Extraordinary Mom Book to this worthy organization to support the research and treatment of children around the world.  Read this heartwarming work – and not just for moms – and leave a bit of your legacy by supporting the St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

To order your copy of The Greatest Love – Being an Extraordinary Mom go to our shop. Not only will you be inspired as a mom, you can share with other moms and family while contributing to the research and treatment of kids around the world.

The Starkey Hearing Foundation

This is an organization where my family and I contribute through donations, but also actually travel the world, providing charitable works on behalf of and under the guidance of the Foundation.  The Starkey Hearing Foundation gives the gift of hearing to people in need in the U.S. and around the world.  They believe hearing is a vehicle to reflect caring and to improve the lives of individuals, their families, and communities.

Their goal is to make hearing healthcare services more accessible for people around the world.  Today, they continue to travel the globe helping people in need, and to date, have given the gift of hearing in more than 100 countries. In May 2018, I had the privilege of traveling to Vietnam with my son, Quinn, who was 18 years old at the time.  We were part of a small team that was committed to helping with Stage 2 delivery: the fitting of hearing aids for little babies and the elderly in their 100’s, some of whom traveled for days to get to the locations in order to receive a hearing aid. We visited five cities and towns in central Vietnam and fitted over 5,000 hearing aids in over 2 ½  weeks. It was a very humbling experience as we worked in the heat all day at school gyms if they were available.  Otherwise, we worked under tents in order to provide what was necessary to give the gift of hearing to these precious souls in Vietnam.