I am a soulful spirit.
I have a direct relationship with my maker, which directs my soul and my love of spirit.
I have faith that everything in my life is as it should be, because I am divinely guided.
Spirit keeps me centered.
Spirit brings me peace.
And it is with me every moment of my life.

These Are The Words on Today’s Meditation Monday I AM Card.
Upon reflection, we can see how we are surrounded by spirit. Spirit is energy. And energy permeates the entire universe.
When we can remember that — no matter the circumstances we might find ourselves in at the moment — life is happening for us, that we are indeed guided onto our unique individual paths…with every experience giving us a gentle (or not so gentle at times) nudge in the right direction… It is then when we are freed from the shackles of external control.
It is then when we are free to assign empowering meaning to the events that take place in our lives, putting us back onto the driver seat, steering towards our desires and goals with Spirit as our co-pilot.
We Are Each A Soulful Spirit.
Let us then embrace the challenges and beautiful moments, alike. Come what may this week, we move forwards safe in the comforting knowledge that Spirit is always with us.
Until the next time,
Stay True!
— Loren Lahav