Hey, Everybody!
And welcome back to another Meditation Monday.
You’re probably going: me? Loren? Meditation??
You’re also missing me, huh?
It’s been a couple weeks and you haven’t seen me…
So anyway, let’s talk about Meditation Monday and why this is so important. Also, why I’m doing it with you guys!? Because, you really want to know why?
My kid, Quinn was going: “Mom, I wish you did more things to get yourself centered… and grounded… and, maybe, meditate.”
And I’m, like: “It’s interesting, Quinn, because I actually do meditate, every day.”
And I think there are so many different ways to meditate that we miss out on some really cool ways to meditate…
So, for me lots of times it’ll be just sitting beside my bed and I’ll be looking out at the Red Rocks and I’ll just be thinking about everything that I love and appreciate; everything that I’m grateful for in my life. Who do I love? Who loves me? What am I excited about? And that’s really how I start my day.
And then, Quinn looked over at me and he says: “Mom, what else? You should do, like, more yoga and things like that…”
I go: “Watch this…” — and I did a handstand.
He goes: “Oh, you can do a handstand?” He goes: “Seriously!?”
I go: “I do it every single day.”
Right, and I think so many times we have these rules of what meditation is supposed to look like…
And really, it’s just getting yourself in that state of mind that’s gonna guide you.
Whether it be for the day, or for the week, or whatever it might be. So that’s why doing these Meditation Mondays are so important—and doing your “I Am” statements.
So, before we get into what we’re gonna talk about today if you would, do me a favor: please, go ahead and click the share button — right now— so that you could share on your timeline and we’ll get more people meditating on this topic…
And while, you know while we’re waiting you can put in some questions, and I can go ahead and answer those questions as people are jumping on.
So let’s talk about what today’s Meditation Monday I AM Affirmation is: I Am Courageous!
“I Am Courageous.
I am committed to asking The Universe for what I want on a daily basis and knowing I am worth the answers to receive it.
I’m committed to stepping away from the what I know I am good at; and taking a leap in every opportunity to try something different… Something outside my familiarity… to act in every moment that presents itself.
I will not hold back from my experiences, or chances to change my life for the better.”
I Am Courageous. So this week, let’s courageous!

I am committed to asking The Universe for what I want on a daily basis and knowing I am worth the answers to receive it.
I’m committed to stepping away from the what I know I am good at; and taking a leap in every opportunity to try something different… Something outside my familiarity… to act in every moment that presents itself.
I will not hold back from my experiences, or chances to change my life for the better.
Do you know what are you going to do that is courageous?
I’m actually doing something that’s courageous this week.
You might get to see it. It’s on Saturday.
Hopefully you’ll get to see it live.
I’m going to be doing a presentation with this woman. And we’re doing— actually, we’re doing this presentation on presentation skills.
And, it has been interesting for both of us. Right? Because she is more of an introvert, and I am definitely more of an extrovert; and we’re talking about how to really make this happen together…
And I think that, you know, us deciding to do it together was a big courageous step for us; because I think a lot of times our ego likes to get in the way and goes: “Oh, I got this.” You know? “I’ll do it with somebody who it’s my own style.”
And I think what it has allowed us to do is to appreciate each other’s style even more, and also kind of just breathing into the experience.
So, hopefully, you’ll join us live.
It’s gonna be part of The Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing event that is taking place this week: April 13th to the 15th at The Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.
So if you’re on, LIVE, or if you are coming to the event, or if you’re gonna be sharing via Livestream, check it out. I think you might learn something great.
So let’s get started, so that you can make sure to share this with your friends and maybe some people could use some help this week about some things that they need to be courageous with.
And, you know what? This is really a forum for you!
To be honest, I do this mostly because I simply wish to add value to your life as much as I can.
And I think that’s really the beauty of Social Media.
That is, for us to just add value and share our experiences, and share our stories, share our hard lessons, share our inspiration with everybody, and to give advice.
So until then,
#StayTRUE and see you soon!
— Loren Lahav