Welcome to Meditation Monday.
This week is a good one, and one that apparently a lot of us needed to hear, focus on, and meditate on for the entire week…
This week’s I AM Affirmation card (which I pulled at random this morning) is:

I impact other people because I am inspired by the acts, words, and presence of greatness.
This could be global missionaries, philanthropists, community leaders, or friends and family.
Living in their light and example allows me to inspire others by the way I live my life, being in service, and my role as a leader.
I Am Inspiration And Inspired
I impact other people because I am inspired by the acts, words, and presence of greatness.
This could be global missionaries, philanthropists, community leaders, or friends and family.
Living in their light and example allows me to inspire others by the way I live my life, being in service, and my role as a leader.
It’s funny this was the card that magnetically stuck to my right hand as I went into the Men’s deck this morning…and it applies to us all: Men, Women & Children.
Sometimes we do not feel as if we are good enough, strong enough, smart enough, kind enough, generous enough… as if whatever we do or contribute to this world is often meaningless and never enough…
But what we don’t realize is that by simply being ourselves – and do mean exactly that – by being true to what is in our hearts, by being and giving always of our true essence, we become beacons for one another…
There is a quote I love which says each day we get to make one of two choices:
1). We can be adding light into the world…
2). We can be taking some the world’s light away…
The thing is, when you honor what is deep within your heart, when you follow through and step forwards into the pursuit of your heart’s true desires…that is when you contribute the most light into the world. That is when your soul shines brightest.
You might never realize it, but you, yes YOU, are an inspiration for all the people around you. Even if they never tell you, and although you might never hear it… when you give yourself permission to shine, to truly be who you are meant to be, you are indeed giving permission to all who see you…to become an inspiration for others. To be their best selves.
It’s not important if your dreams and wishes do not seem big enough to the outer world…what matters is that you follow your deepest desires with gusto!
The opposite is also true. Do not allow the naysayers to deter you when they say things like: “who do you think you are?” and “you are dreaming way too big…”
Some well meaning people might tell you, “the sky is the limit”, and they mean it in the most optimistic of ways…but I am here to remind you:
The Sky Is NOT The Limit. For, There Are Footprints On The Moon…
Remember, there are NO limits except those you impose upon yourself.
So go out there this week and notice the ways in which you are inspired by the actions and deeds of others. Yes, do that, by all means. But, please, also remember that just by waking up and embracing your life each morning, YOU are a true inspiration to us all!
Stay True!
Loren Lahav