Hey everybody, Loren Lahav here and I’m back today for our Meditation Monday!
As you know, each week on meditation Monday I pull an I AM Affirmation Card.
Last week our I AM Affirmation mantra was: I Am Confident.
So I’m curious… Please comment below what you did last week to boost your confidence. Was it stand tall, stand proud? Was it boobs out? What you did you do?
I don’t know what you did for confidence, but hopefully you taught it to your kids. Or to so someone at work you know, who could do some of these simple things that you’re learning here — because we always talk about confidence so much — is in our heads.
And obviously, what we’re focusing on; and how we stand; and how we move through the room it’s critical when it comes to actually feeling confident… so I’m really excited to read all the comments of what did last week to get confident!
For me, a big thing that gives me confidence, as crazy is that might sound, is getting my hair done. So I’m not feeling a hundred percent confident today because I didn’t get my hair done. But, that’s alright. I’m still going to share with you the I AM Affirmation card — and your meditation mantra — for this week which is: I AM Legendary.
And I am committed to
creating magic and turning
heads! People respect and admire
me because I do great things and
divert from the norm.
I rock the stars!
Which is perfect a perfect meditation for showing your trust in the universe.

So what are you going to do this week to be legendary?
I mean, when you think about all of the people you know — last week, I shared with you guys a little bit that my daughter selected to portray Oprah Winfrey for her “Outstanding African-American” class presentation; and we all know Oprah is truly legendary. Am I Right?
So again, when you think of all the people in your circle, who can be your example? What are you going do this week to become even more legendary? What are you going to do in your life that feels like you are leaving a legacy for those you know? A beautiful legacy for many generations to come and something you can truly be proud of?
We’ve got one life to live… And we are here to really rock the stars! So make sure you trust the universe and rock your life!
Make sure to write your thoughts and feelings, and anything else you want to leave for me in the comments below because I read all of them, personally. It’s not my assistant reading them. I respond to all of them and I take the time to do so because it is a must for me to know what’s important for you so that I can share more of my golden nuggets with you.
I believe we all have golden nuggets.
It’s not just the information that I’m sharing with you. It is so much magic that truly is created in the comments you choose to share below. Because the more we share and get engaged as part of this community, we are growing and we are learning from each other.
When I first came out with these I Am Affirmation Cards, I asked every person who got a set to please share and they tell us where they kept their own set of cards…
The answers were terrific! Somebody shared they keep theirs in the visor of the car… so now, I too keep one set of cards on the visor of my cars. Another sweet lady wrote that she likes keeping them by her computer on her desk so she can pull a new different one to meditate on, as she sits down to work, each week. And guess what? Now I keep a set in all my work spaces too!
People from all over the world shared all these different things they do and I thought to myself: “oh, my God! what a great idea!” To ask each of you to contribute your thoughts and practices so that it is not just me sharing
information here everyday.
I think that that’s where all the magic comes from… It comes from me and you, all of us, together.
Let us grow this community that we have created.
I am really looking forward to hearing how you have trusted the universe and are rocking the stars!
Always Remember to StayTRUE,
— Loren Lahav