Time to Hit the Reset Button - Loren Lahav | STAY TRUE CEO

Time to Hit the Reset Button

We’re getting close to wrapping up the first half of 2019, and what a whirlwind it has been.  I’ve been in Greensborough,  Charlotte, Houston, Steamboat Springs, Napa, Sacramento, Chicago, Nashville, Ashville, New York, Washington D.C., Poland and will be heading to Australia next month. 

I’ve shared the stage with Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Eric Worre, Joseph McClendon III among others.  I’ve produced a Cleanse/Retreat, a women’s exclusive Inner Circle event, and a conference for one of my businesses.  I’ve launched a new website, rebranded, started a new book and have created new content for delivery.  I celebrated the engagement of my son Josua to Danielle, the launch of my daughter Asher’s Slime business (www.sassy-slimes.com) , and celebrated my other son Quinn’s gig at the XGamesin Aspen.  

I don’t share this to impress you, but to impress upon you that with focus and commitment the seemingly impossible can come to fruition.  And in terms of a timeline, I still have a month and a half to go before the mid-point of 2019.  In this time, I’ll be launching a series of Badass & Beautiful events all over the U.S., starting at the end of this month. (Go to www.lorenlahav.comfor more information so you can join me in YOUR city.)

AND sometimes there is a point where you need to take a breath and assess what is really important, especially as you approach the last and best half of 2019.  Do some of you feel like you are on a treadmill in your life… and not the kind for cardio?  Or that you’re achieving or accomplishing things that don’t really fulfill you?  Or are you doing something, like a j-o-b that doesn’t really juice you, but it’s paying the bills… barely?

For me, I felt I needed to take a look at how I was spending my time while finding a balance between work, family, friends and myself.  This is guiding me in a different trajectory where I maximize my time with the people and events that have a greater impact on as many lives as possible while staying true to myselfand allocating time for that life balance, which includes quality connection with my family and friends.  I realized that I needed to Hit the Reset Buttonand reimagine a part of myself and my vision.  That meant taking a step back and making some tough decisions.   I now feel a certain lightness and sense of release as I glide through the rest of the first half of the year and embrace all that is to come for the rest of 2019 and beyond.

As you move forward in your year, here are some ideas for you to “Reset.”  Refer to my book, Life Tune-Ups for more detail on this mid-year check in.  The key is tuning in to Your TRUESelf.

  1. Do a quick assessment of your year. What is working and what needs to be fine-tuned or deleted from your plan?  Realize that we are always growing, and new passions and pursuits may have presented themselves since the beginning of the year. 
  2. Do the “I Am” Exercise on page 5, to determine if these outcomes are in alignment with who you are at your core. And discover if they are true to your passions (Chapter 3).
  3. Identify what you’re willing to let go of in order to Step into Your Greatness.


When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you.” –Lolly Daskal


  1. Identify whether you have a sense of balance in your life. Your gut will tell you.  Are you at peace when you think about the quality time you spend with your family, your friends, with work, with you?  For ideas on Scheduling Balance, refer to page 107.
  2. Define your new outcomes and purpose.Sometimes, one goal can lead to enriching other areas of your life, such as buying a new home, becoming debt-free, or vying for a promotion that will lead to higher self-worth and additional income.  And because we want to spread our dreams around, always be vigilant for new passions and opportunities that may present themselves along the way.
  3. Set up an accountability chart with measurable targets.
  4. And remember to celebrateand acknowledge yourself along the way, even the small victories.

To help you with your mid-year assessment, be sure to refer to Life Tune-Ups.  If you don’t already have a copy, go to https://lorenlahav.com/product/life-tuneups/  now, and get started right away!

Thank you for joining me this week and remember to Stay True. 

~xoxo Loren


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